Other Settings

In System > Other Settings in the Order Management System (OMS) Admin you can disable or activate your current integrations, refresh registration of the OMS API, and view extensive information about your integrations via the API Integrations view.

Other Settings menu in the OMS Admin

Other Settings menu in the OMS Admin

API Integrations

The API Integrations view allows you to take many actions related to your integrations.

API Integrations view

API Integrations view

Disable or activate integrations

To disable or activate all your integrations, simply click either Disable all integrations or Activate all integrations. If you disable all integrations, no incoming or outgoing messages will be sent or received.

To disable or activate a single integration:

  1. Navigate to the System > Other Settings > API Integrations view of the OMS Admin.
  2. Click an integration from the Currently registered integrations list.
  3. If it’s currently activated and you would like to disable it, click Disable in the Integration control section.

    If it’s currently disabled and you would like to activate it, click Activate in the Integration control section.

Refresh OMS API registration

To refresh your registration to the OMS API, click Refresh registration in the OMS API Registration section. A “Registration to service bus completed” message appears.

View integrations info

One of the most useful features of his API Integrations view is the ability to view information for all currently registered integrations, and disable or activate them individually.

Available information for individual integrations include:

Section Description
Peer URL URL for the integration
Contracts Specifications the integration is contracted to
Subscribed to Specifications/messages the integration is subscribed to
Labels Referenceable labels for the integration
Parameters Parameters for the limitation: rate_limit, parallelism, enabled
Stats Statistics for the integration (click a stat for more info): Messages, Received, Being delivered, Delivered success, Delivered error, Never delivered, Republished, Per method breakdown

Integrations info

Integrations info

To view information for an integration:

  1. Navigate to the System > Other Settings > API Integrations view of the OMS Admin.
  2. Click an integration from the Currently registered integrations list.
  3. View specifics for the integration, such as Peer URL, Contracts, and Labels.
  4. Disable or activate integrations as needed.