
You can manage and add sources, stock aggregates, and sales channels, in System > Fulfillment in the Order Management System (OMS) Admin.

Fulfillment menu in OMS Admin

Fulfillment menu in OMS Admin


The Sources view shows available sources which reflect the stock locations at warehouses and physical stores.

Sources view

Sources View

Columns of information in the Sources view include the following:

Column Description
External ID ID number of the source
Name Name of the source
Type Type of source, such as a store, fulfillment center, etc.
Pick Up Location Whether or not the pickup location is active

You can accomplish several actions within the Sources view: Download CSV, Upload CSV, Add source, and Sync sources, Show filters.

Actions in Sources view

Sources options

Add or edit sources

See the Inventory page for more information about adding and configuring sources.

Sync sources

The Sync sources option sends a message to Magento Commerce (MC) to ensure that all configured sources present in your OMS are also present in MC. It updates the sources between OMS and MC by exporting all configured sources via a message.

This option triggers magento.inventory.source_management.updated and/or magento.inventory.source_management.create messages for each source during that process.

Sync sources

Sync sources

Filter sources

The Filter sources option allows you to filter your sources by source name and parent source.

To filter sources:

  1. Click Show filters.
  2. Select any sources for which you want to search from the Sources dropdown.

    Filter sources

    Filter sources

  3. Select the parent source, or all sources from the Parent dropdown.
  4. Click Apply. Only sources that match your search criteria will appear in the Sources grid.

Stock aggregates and sales channels

The Stock aggregates and Sales channels view shows a summary of all available stock aggregates and sales channels (a channel from which to source orders).

Stock aggregates and Sales channels

Stock aggregates and Sales channels

Columns of information in the Stock aggregates and Sales channels view include the following:

Column Description
Name Name of the stock aggregate or sales channel
Status Status: stock aggregate or sales channel
Internal ID Internal ID number of the stock aggregate or sales channel
External ID External ID number of the stock aggregate or sales channel
Actions Available actions, currently Force full stock reindex & generate updated events

You can accomplish two actions within the Stock aggregates and Sales channels view: Add Stock aggregate or Add Sales Channel.

Add stock aggregate or sales channel

Add stock aggregate or sales channel

A stock aggregate reflects the website structure and will provide the aggregated stock to be sold on a specific website. Each stock aggregate can have one or multiple sources associated.

You can modify this view by adding new stock aggregates and sales channels via the available options.

Add stock aggregates

For more information about creating and configuring stock aggregates see the Inventory page.

Add sales channels

For more information about creating and configuring sales channels see the Sales channels page.