Stock Aggregates

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The Stock Aggregates configuration tab offers the ability to configure parameters for managing sourcing rules, by defining sourcing rules for bundles, defining shipping zones, setting a wave schedule, defining an order ranking strategy, and more.

Stock Aggregates configuration tab

Stock Aggregates

To enable (make active and visible) the Categories for configuration, select a scope from the Select scope dropdown.

To make changes to a value or setting, deselect DEFAULT so that you can override the existing default value. To make your new changes the default setting, select UNSET, click Yes in the confirmation dialog that appears, and then click Save Rule.

Sourcing category

The Sourcing category allows you perform a variety of functions to allow you to better manage stock, including enabling or disabling filtering for already promised inventory, sources that don’t provide required services, and active sources.

Sourcing category

Sourcing category

Sourcing category

Sourcing category

Sourcing category

Field Description
Default Sourcing Mode Define the sourcing mode to be used for processed orders. The direct option specifies that the request should be sourced immediately. The batch option specifies that the order should be held and processed with others at the configured wave time. All in-store pickup (ISPU) orders are processed in direct mode.
Definition of shipping zones Indicate the shipping zone and address fields to be used for zone mappings, via AddressField (STATE and COUNTRYCODE options) and zonesToAddressFields (Zone and AddressField options).
Bundle rules Enable, disable, and configure the sourcing rules for bundles by setting the BundleRestriction (SHIPTOGETHER, SHIPSIMULTANEOUSLY, and SHIPSEPARATELY), the OverrideAtAttemptThreshold (enable to allow for bundle splitting after reaching a threshold of failed attempts to source the request), and the AttemptThreshold (the threshold level for the enabled OverrideAtAttemptThreshold).
Filter Options Using Already Promised Inventory Ensure (enable or disable) that confirmed order lines do not allocate inventory to orders with later delivery dates.
Filter Sources That Don’t Provide Required Service(s) Require (enable or disable) a source allocated to a line item to also provide the required services of an associated line item or the overall order.
Filter Sources That Don’t Provide Required Shipping Method Require (enable or disable) a source allocated to a line item to also provide the required shipping method for that request. Enable the Assume Standard Shipping Is Provided functionality so that the OMS assumes the STANDARD shipping method is provided by a source, even if it is not currently listed as provided.
Filter for active source functionality Allow (enable or disable) the sourcing logic to ignore the sources that are not included as part of a wave.
Filter sources that aren’t in the correct shipping zone Allow (enable or disable) filtration of sources that are not in the request’s shipping address zone.
Limits Splits in a Sourcing Request Enable or disable the ability to limit the number of splits (number of generated shipment requests) in a sourcing request, and configure the related integer value (“1” signifies two generated shipment requests, “0” signifies one shipment request) via the Limit option.
Order Ranking Strategy Apply order sorting to a batch before processing, via configurable values such as “size”, “age”, “shipping method”, and “promise delivery date”.
Prevent sourcing requests from being partially sourced Prevent (enable or disable) immediate sourcing of items to allow for backorder items to be stocked (if one or more lines cannot be sourced the entire request is not sourced). Configure PartialSourceShipRestriction (SHIPTOGETHER, SHIPSIMULTANEOUSLY, SHIPSEPARATELY), OverrideAtAttemptThreshold (enable or disable the engine to partially source the request after a treshold of failed attempts), and AttemptThreshold (threshold level for enabled OverrideAtAttemptThreshold).
Rule Weight definition Define the value in integers of existing sourcing weights (values associated with the lowst to highest scores).
Scoring Rules Configure scoring rules , including the relative weighting between rules, via Scoring Options By The Fewest Splits, Scoring Sources By Distance, Scoring Sources By Available Inventory, Scoring Sources By Group Priority, and Scoring To Prefer ‘In-Zone’ Sources options.
Wave Schedule Specify a schedule/collection of rules for batched sourcing requests, known as “waves”. Add, or revise the existing, Action Wave Times (via Wave Start Time, Timezone, Days of week this is active options).