Sales Channel

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The Sales Channel configuration tab offers the ability to define custom attributes, pick decline reasons, available shipping methods for Ship from Store (SFS) orders, the text to be shown in the pack slip, customer decline reasons, and so much more.

Sales Channel configuration tab

Sales Channel

To enable (make active and visible) the Categories for configuration, select a scope from the Select scope dropdown.

To make changes to a value or setting, deselect DEFAULT so that you can override the existing default value. To make your new changes the default setting, select UNSET, click Yes in the confirmation dialog that appears, and then click Save Rule.

Customizations category

The Customizations category allows you to further define preset custom attributes and add new custom attribute values.

Customizations category

Field Description
Custom attributes Revise an existing custom attribute, via Attribute Name (string format), Type, Regular Expression (string format), and Enum Values (for custom atributes of the enum type) options, or create a new custom attribute.

Omnichannel category

The Omnichannel category allows you to define a multitude of configurations, including the creation of a base URL for use in creating pick lists and the definition of SFS box dimensions.

Omnichannel > Base URL, Customer decline reasons Omnichannel > Enable carrier integration Omnichannel > ISPU pick decline, Pack slip company info, Pack slip footer, Pick decline reasons Omnichannel > SFS box dimensions

The SFS Box dimensions key value allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and ()*._-. Invalid characters, such as /, are not allowed.

Omnichannel > SFS decline reasons

The SFS Decline Reasons key value allows for a maximum length of 150 characters for status reasons.

Example of maxLength string details

    "type": "string",
    "maxLength": 150

Omnichannel > SFS email to store assistant

Field Description
BaseURL Generate a direct link in the store assistant email for easy creation of a pick list. This option only required if the host is not in the Order Management System (OMS).
Customer decline reasons Define the list of available reasons that a customer may decline an order or item, such as “Did not like it”, “Wrong option or size”, and “Customer did not show”.
Enable carrier integration Enable or disable the use of carrier integration to receive tracking information for shipments. Specify the Default weight, default Carrier name, Default integrator, and carrier integrations enabled per source as well.
ISPU pick decline Specify whether the pick declined items of an ISPU order must be re-sourced.
Pack slip company information Add text that will display in the company information section of the packing slip.
Pack slip footer Add text that will display in the footer section of the packing slip.
Pick decline reasons Define the list of available pick decline reasons, such as “Damaged” and “Out of stock”.
SFS Available shipping methods Define available shipping methods for SFS orders, such as STANDARD and EXPRESS.
SFS Box dimensions Define the dimentions of available boxes at SFS locations for shipping purposes via Box name and dimensions options, including the Key and value properties (Name, Width, Length, Height, Unit).
SFS Decline Reasons Add, or revise existing, reasons for which a SFS order may be declined, such as “Missing”, “Damaged”, or “Hold”.
SFS email to store assistant Enable the ability to send the contents of a shipment to a store assistant via email when a new order arrives at their store. After enabling, configure the Email Subject and Email Body.

Order category

The Order category allows you to define exceptions rules for aging orders, capabilities for reshipments, the behavior for pre-order functionality, and other order-related tasks.

Order > Backorders, Exceptions rules Order > Exchanges Order > Pre Order, Remorse time Order > Reshipments, Ship to store

Field Description
Backorders Enable or disable the ability to accept orders lines without stock, instead of automatically canceling them, and consider items without stock as backorders regardless of existing configurations at the catalog/item/order levels.
Exceptions rules Configure the exceptions rules for aged orders, including the number of days in which an order is considered “aged”, the time frame for resubmitting aged orders, whether aged backorders should be marked as ready to be sourced if stock is received for an order line, and the number of hours before an order should be flagged as a high exception (dependent on shipping method).
Exchanges Enable or disable exchanges for the current environment, the ability for a store associate to change the shipping method or address when initiating an exchange, or the ability to block an exchange until the parent order receives a return.
Pre Order Enable or disable pre-order functionality per client, and define the Strategy to follow to reauthorize pre-order items (enable it for a client) and the Configurable reauthorize time (Days before street day).
Remorse time Define the patterns for applying remorse time for an order, including enabling or disabling the functionality, the time in seconds, restrictions for specifically flagged orders, the expiration mode (all or excludeWeekends), and order restrictions based on custom factors (Type, Value, Time, and Notification email options).
Reshipments Enable, disable, and define the capabilities for reshipments, via Can Change Shipping Method (whether a store assistant can change the shipping method when initiating a new reshipment) and Can Change Shipping Address (whether the store assistant can change the shipping address when initiating a new reshipment) options.
Ship to store Enable or disable the Ship to Store (STS) functionality.

Payments category

The Payments category allows you to define the behavior of the payment flow.

Payments > Capture configuration

Field Description
Capture configurations Define the behavior of the payment flowvia Capture After Shipments (which payment methods are captured post-shipment), Capture Request Before Shipments (the payment methods that require capture to be requested before shipment), Capture Before Any Shipment (the payments methods that require capture to be completed before shipment), Offline Payment Capture (time frame for offline payments to be marked as captured, such as BeforeAnyShipment), On Hold Status Reasons (status reasons that can trigger an order to be on hold and pending capture processing, such as PENDING_CAPTURE_REPLY) options.

Postsales category

The Postsales category allows you to configure many aspects of the postsales stage of an order, including defining what order modifications that can be performed in the OMS, the reasons for which an order may be reshipped, and the rules of the return flow.

Postsales > Defining source for returns, Exchanges Reasons, Order Modifications Postsales > Refund Reasons, Reshipment Reasons, Return Reasons Postsales > Return approved reasons, Return configuration, Return flow Postsales > BCNOMS_Model_Postsale

Field Description
Defining source for returns Enable or disable the ability to manually change the return source location.
Exchanges Reasons Define the list of available reasons applicable to exchanges, such as “Wrong Size”, “Wrong color”, or “Did not want”.
Order Modifications Enable or disable the order modifications that can be performed in the OMS via Update Shipping Address and Update Customer Attributes options.
Refund Reasons Define the list of available reasons applicable to refunds, such as “Wrong Item”, “Damaged defective”, or “Tax Exempt”.
Reshipment Reasons Define the list of available reshipment reasons, such as “Lost in transit” and “Warehouse mistake”.
Return Reasons Define the list of available reasons applicable to returns, such as “Package Undeliverable”, “Do not want customer mistake”, or “Wrong item quantity”.
Return approved reasons Define the list of available reasons applicable to approved returns, such as “RECEIVED”, “LOST”, or “BORETURN”.
Return configuration Define the time frame for an auto refund, via the Number of Days For Auto Refund option.
Return flow Define the rules for the return flow, via Auto Release Refund (allow a refund to be auto-released to the customer once a return is successfully received), Auto Approve Return (allow a return to be auto-approved when a return request is received successfully), Partial Approve Return (allow the user to select specific lines from the return as approved), and Simulate Return Authorization (allow pre-calculation of a refund based on merchant refund rules if a return creation is started) options.
BCNOMS_Model_Postsale Configure the postsale refund rules via ReturnServiceLine (allow the return/refund policy for service to be defined at the line level), ReturnServiceOrder (allow the return/refund policy for services to be defined at the order level), and ShippingRefundRule (define the return/refund policy for shipping items, such as onFirst and never) options.