SI Portal Overview

The System Integrator (SI) Portal is not yet accessible externally. Contact Magento Support for assistance.

The System Integrator (SI) Portal is a configuration portal that allows System Integrators (SIs) to enable features for a specific client’s OMS instance and make needed changes during deployment.

The SI Portal enables SIs to minimize dependency on Technical Account Managers (TAMs) and the Magento Support team, allows them access to a robust set of configuration tools, and empowers them to easily manage their client OMS instances.

The OMS Admin currently allows access to one client and one environment at a time. With the SI Portal you can quickly see a client instance (access determined by your MyAccount privileges) and its configurations, and so much more. It provides comprehensive access across environments, across clients, and across regions.

To get assistance with changing the configuration of your SI Portal create a Support ticket.

From sales channels and sources, to stock aggregates and global configuration settings that apply across the board, the SI Portal allows you to fine tune your client’s OMS with custom configurations that help accelerate their business.

These guides include the following content:

Section Description Link
Access the portal This page contains three sections that enumerate how to log in and log out, show configuration options for a specified client, and use the search function within the SI portal. See the Access the SI Portal guide
Global Settings This page details all of the available configuration options and common patterns/functionalities within the Global Settings configuration tab. See the Global Settings guide
Sales Channel This page details all of the available configuration options and common patterns/functionalities within the Sales Channel configuration tab. See the Sales Channel guide
Sources This page details all of the available configuration options and common patterns/functionalities within the Sources configuration tab. See the Sources guide
Stock Aggregates This page details all of the available configuration options and common patterns/functionalities within the Stock Aggregates configuration tab. See the Stock Aggregates guide
Troubleshooting This page helps you troubleshoot issues and resolve some of the most common questions about the SI Portal, such as log in problems, not seeing the correct clients for selection, and more. See the Troubleshooting guide