
The Order Management System (OMS) needs only basic catalog information to process orders correctly. Catalog information pushed into the OMS is used as a cache of product data which will be used to enable or disable backorder functionality for a specific item and provide further product information within the OMS.

Catalog menu in Admin

Catalog menu in Admin

Catalog data can be uploaded into the OMS :

When creating or updating a product , if you send a message without a specified name, or a message utilizing an incorrect format, the SKU property name will be used instead. Use the #magento.catalog.localized_name format when sending messages to create products or update the catalog.

You can add services for an order or a specific order line. See the Services topic for more information.

The OMS does not provide Product Information System (PIM) functionality. Use a dedicated PIM or the PIM functionality built within the Magento Commerce (MC) instead.

Update message

You can update the Catalog via the API with the magento.catalog.product_management message, by modifying the Type field. With this message you can update the following attributes of a product:

  • Item—The product itself. For example, a t-shirt.
  • Item Option—The different options an Itemcan have. For example, the sizes available for a t-shirt.

Depending on the product_type selected, you can modify either the Item or the Item Option for that product:

Item Item Option
Configurable Physical
Downloadable Virtual
Grouped Service
Simple Shipping

It is recommended to update Item with the Configurable type and use Physical or Virtualtypes to update a Item Option.

Items in Admin

The Items view in the Admin displays pertinent information for each item.

Field Description
Item style code Main customer-facing identifier for an item, which is usually a searchable field in the web store and is used in order documentation
Item client code Typically identical to the style code; allows an alternative client item identifier when needed but does not have relevance outside of reports
Name Item name
Type Item type, such as shipping or physical
Options Variants in a configurable product

Items view


Creating an item

You can create a new item with a few clicks from the Items view.

To create an item:

  1. Click Create an item.
  2. Add a name, Client code, and Style code.
  3. Select whether or not the item is a physical item—

    • Physical—Normal physical products with stock
    • Virtual—Non-physical products
    • Shipping—Shipping type, such as standard or express
    • Service—Services such as gift wrap, engraving, hemming, etc.; Can be linked to an order line (with parent_line_number) or to the order itself
    • Bundle
  4. Select whether or not the item is active—Yes or No.
  5. Click Create.

    Create an item

    Create an item

Filter items

You can filter the item list by client code, style code, name, type etc. by clicking the applicable column title.

See item details

Click an Item Style Code to see the Items detail view, which shows more details about the item, including:

  • Whether or not it is active
  • Whether it was deleted
  • When it was created
  • When it was updated

The Items detail view also shows an Options grid, which includes various item options:

  • Product Picture
  • Option SKU
  • Option client SKU
  • Name
  • Deleted
  • Status
  • Allow backorders
  • Price adjustable
  • Custom Attributes

Item details and options

Item details and options

An Option SKU and an Option client SKU can refer to two different IDs. Both identifiers are used to keep track of inventory, but a merchant or provider can use a different identifier other than the one used in the webstore. See Product Attribute Reference User Guide for more details about how a SKU is used in Magento Commerce (MC).

For more information about SKU requirements, see Terminology.

Create an item option

You can create an item option manually, via the below instructions, or via the API with the #magento.catalog.product_management message.

Options are added as children_skus in the magento.catalog.product_management_updated event.

To create a new item option (variants in the configurable product on the MC side):

  1. Click Add option.
  2. Add a name, SKU, and Client SKU.
  3. Select whether or not the item is active—Yes or No.
  4. Select the item status—

    • Active
    • Inactive
    • End of life
    • Outlet
  5. Click Create.


The Options view displays pertinent information for each option.

Options view

Options view

Field Description
Item style code Link to the Item details view for that item style
Option client SKU Main customer-facing identifier for an item, which is usually a searchable field in the web store and is used in order documentation; you can allocate your own non-SKU identifier (in such cases as when defining items in the system before SKUs are allocated), such as PRESHIPPED, ISPU, EXPRESS, STANDARD, etc.
Status Active or Inactive
Name Option name
Type Option type, such as shipping or physical
Option Attributes  

Create options

You can create item options via the Item details view.

Filter options

You can filter the item list by item style code, option client SKU, name, status, type etc. by clicking the applicable column title.