
The Dashboard view shows important information for your Order Management System (OMS) consolidated on a single screen for easy at-a-glance viewing.

Click Dashboard in the left-hand menu to access one of the three main detailed dashboards, Operations, In Store Pick Up (ISPU), and Ship From Store (SFS).

Dashboard view

Dashboard overview

Admin Dashboard overview

Admin Dashboard view

Admin Dashboard overview

Easily see info from these areas from the main Dashboard view that opens on login:

  • Quick search—Allows you to perform a quick search for an order by:

    • Order ID
    • Customer first name
    • Customer last name
    • Customer email
    • Requested to
  • Recent activity—Contains an overview of any recent activity, separated into tabs in the Recent Activity section:

    • Orders
    • Returns
    • Appeasements

Asterisks displayed in the order list indicate that those items are test orders. Test orders are also identifiable by a first or last name beginning with test.

SFS orders pending to be picked

The Summary of SFS orders pending to be picked section at the bottom of the page shows a summary of the stores, new orders, and pick lists in progress for all SFS orders ready to be picked.

Click Continue with pick list to continue the picking process, or click Go to ship from store page to go directly to the SFS Dashboard.

ISPU orders pending to be picked

The Summary of ISPU orders pending to be picked section at the bottom of the page shows a summary of the pickup locations, orders ready to be picked, and picks currently in progress for all SFS orders.

Click Start picking to start the picking process, or click Go to in store pick up page to go directly to the ISPU Dashboard.

Summary of SFS and ISPU orders

Summary of SFS and ISPU orders section

Operations Dashboard

Quick search

Quick search

You can perform a Quick search for an order in the Dashboard > Operations dashboard by:

  • Order ID
  • Customer first name
  • Customer last name
  • Customer email
  • Requested to

This dashboard also contains an overview of any recent activity, separated into tabs in the Recent Activity section:

  • Orders
  • Returns
  • Appeasements

You can access and view any order from this dashboard.

Click into each tab to see relevant information for your orders, returns, and appeasements.

In Store Pick Up Dashboard

See a comprehensive summary of pick delayed orders in the ISPU Dashboard.

ISPU Dashboard view

ISPU Dashboard overview

This dashboard contains an overview of all pick delayed orders, including:

  • Pick Up Location (click to see more about this location)
  • Pick Delayed orders
  • Days without pick delays
  • Longest SLA delay
  • Action (click to see more about delayed orders)

See In-store Pick Up for more information.

Ship from Store Dashboard

The Ship from Store Dashboard shows a summary of all SFS and ISPU orders pending picking.

SFS Dashboard view

Dashboard view

A list of all stores is displayed in this view, along with a snapshot of other helpful information, including:

  • Stores (click the source name for information about all pick lists available for this source)
  • New Orders
  • Picking/Packing lists (click Continue Picking/Packing to continue the pick/pack process for that source)
  • Shipping (click Continue Shipping to continue the shipping process for that source’s pick lists)
  • Pick Lists Complete (click View Pick Lists for information about completed pick lists per applicable source)

See Ship from Store for more information.