
The exchanges functionality allows the Customer Service (CS) agent to exchange an order item.

Exchanges can be used when customer satisfaction is low. If a customer is not happy with some of the order items (order lines) they received, such as if an item is too big or too small, they can exchange their item(s) for another variant.

Example of an exchange order

    "exchange": {
        "order_id": "100000000000001",
        "store_id": "Luma Retail Stores - Southeast",
        "lines": [
                "id": "243",
                "line_number": "1"

See the Exchanges topic in Post-sales for more information.

An exchange is usually generated by a call to customer service. After a customer requests to exchange an order item for a different variant, a new order will be generated and linked to the previous order to provide correct visibility and manage refunds for any returns that are also generated.

An exchange creates a new order with the new item to be exchanged for the one in the original order. Once the new order is created it will be identified by the suffix E.


To enable this functionality:

  1. Navigate to Config > Sales Channel > Order in your SI Portal.
  2. Enable the Exchanges option.

    SI Portal configuration for an exchange

    SI Portal exchanges

    Configure the Exchanges reasons in the SI Portal in Config > Sales Channel > Postsales > Exchanges Reasons.

    SI Portal configuration for exchange reason

    SI Portal exchanges reasons

  3. In the User & Permissions view of your OMS Admin, enable or disable this functionality for a specific CS role, per the rights for that role.

    Example of a customer service role available permissions

    Roles & Permissions

These definitions are enabled and configured in your System Integrator (SI) Portal, which is not yet accessible externally. Contact Magento Support for assistance.