Customer Service

The Customer Service view in the Order Management System (OMS) Admin is the view in which Customer Service Agents (CSA) and Supervisors will spend most of their time. In this view, they can access various functionalities, including the ability to create returns or appeasements.

Customer Service menu in the Admin

Admin Menu

The Customer Service view and its functions allow you to easily track post-sales actions and allows the ultimate in process alignment around customer service-related activities.

See our System permissions topic to learn more about access and view permissions, which are managed with roles designations.


The Orders view, accessible via Customer Service > Orders in the OMS Admin, gives you access to all your orders. When a customer contacts Customer Service or Customer Support, you can easily and quickly access their order detail within this view.

Customer service view

Customer Service view

The Orders view grid has an immense amount of useful order information. You can also search for and filter orders with the Show filters/Hide filters option:

  • Order ID
  • Customer first name
  • Customer last name
  • Customer email
  • Requested to
  • From date (order created)
  • To date (order created)
  • Sales channel
  • Shipping Address
  • Zip/Postal Code
  • Telephone

Click Apply to save you search criteria and filter orders based on that criteria.

Date filters, such as From date or To date, use a date and time encoded in an ISO-8601 datetime format for specifications.

Example of an ISO-8601 datetime format

    "exp": "ge",
    "args": [
        {"exp": "field", "args": [{"value": "origin_date"}]},
        {"value": "2017-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", "type": "datetime"}

In this view you can modify:

  • Show [n]—Configure the number of orders to show in this view. Available values are 10, 20, 50 and 100.
  • Hide filters—Hide the filter view and configure options to filter this view.
  • Columns—Configure the columns shown in this view.
  • Export—Export the list of orders to a CSV or an Excel XML file.

The Export option shares a file with a list of the orders shown in this CS view.

If there is only one result from your search, you will be immediately directed to that order in the Admin. If there is more than one result you will see a list of applicable orders.

Order details view

When you click a specific order, you will be directed to the Order details view. This view shows all related information for that specific order and can help a CSA identify errors during the checkout process.

There are four main sections in the Order Details view:

Section Description
Details Overview details of the order via Order Information, Billing and Payment, Shipping information, and Items on this shipping sections
Payments Overview details of the order via order total, Captured, and Total due amounts, as well as payment method and ID details
Post-sales Overview details of any post-sales actions, such as appeasements.
History and Comments Detailed history of the order, with timestamps, summaries, and customer email notifications, warehouse communications, payments activity, comments, and more

To enable CS functionalities navigate to System > Permissions > Roles and enable required permissions:

OMS Admin CS permissions

CS Permissions

See System Permissions for more information.

Details section

The Details section of the Order details view includes information to give you an at-a-glance view of a particular order.

Details section of Order details view

Details section of Order details view

Section Description
Order Information Including Order ID, Origin Date, Store, Language, VAT Country, Customer ID, Customer Type, Order type
Billing and Payment Including Billing Address and Payment Method
Shipping information Including Shipping address and Shipping Method
Items on this shipping Detailed line item information including Line number, Image, Original Price, Discount, Line without taxes, Taxes, Line Total, and Status

Payments section

The Payments section of the Order details view includes information for the order related to payment and billing.

Payments section of Order details view

Payments section of Order details view

Section Description
Payments snapshot Including a snapshot view of Order total, Capture amount, and Total due
Payment method operation detail Including Payment method, Requested amount, Payment ID, Last update, Operation event, Amount, and Response

Post-sales section

The Post-sales section of the Order details view includes information about any post-sales actions, such as appeasements/refunds.

Post-sales section of Order details view

Post-sales section of Order details view

Section Description
Appeasements snapshot Including a snapshot view of Total Refund Amount, Status, Credit Note, Created at, and Created by
Appeasements operation detail Including Line number, Item, Refund reason, Description, and Refund amount

History and comments section

The History and comments section of the Order details view includes a detailed history of the order, from warehouse communications to payments activity, and everything in between—all timestamped for clarity!

History and comments section of Order details view

History and comments section of Order details view

The History and comments section shows a lot of information for the order, in a chronological format:

  • Carrier
  • Tracking number
  • Tracking link
  • Tracking comment
  • Box number
  • Line #
  • Image
  • Item
  • Status
  • Payment events captured
  • Notes


You can also perform some post-sales and customer service-related actions right from the Order details view.

Actions menu options in Order details view

Customer Service Actions

Cancel order

Cancellations can be made for a full order or for a particular item in an order. Cancellations can only be completed when the order has already requested a shipment_request. You can see this information in the Status column of the Order details view grid.

If an order has a status other than RECEIVED the order must be canceled in the warehouse.

Order status that allow cancel of an order

Status Code Status Name

See the Order status topic for more information on the different order status and their status reasons.

To cancel an order from the Order details view of a specific order:

  1. Click an order in the Customer Service Orders view.
  2. Click Actions > Cancel order.
  3. If only cancelling certain items in an order and not the whole order, select the item(s) you want to cancel.
  4. Click either Cancel full order or Cancel selected lines.

    Example of order cancellation

    Example of order cancellation

See the cancellation flow for more information.

In the History and comments section of the Order details view you can see who cancelled the order, what time it was cancelled, and ensure an email notification was sent to the customer.

Cancellation history in History and comments section

Cancellation history in History and comments section

New return

To create a return, the applicable order line must be in a SHIPPED status. By default, the product will be returned to the original source from which the order item was delivered.

The order can be in a LOGISTICS order status, because the validation to allow to create returns occurs at the order line level.

To create a return for an order:

  1. Click an order in the Customer Service Orders view.
  2. Click Actions > New Return.
  3. Select the item you want to return.
  4. Select the return reason.
  5. Leave a comment (mandatory). This field allows for a maximum length of 1000 characters.
  6. Click Create Return.

    Example of a created return

    Example of a created return

    The line item you create a return for will appear with a Returned status and the post-sales information will be updated to Approved.

    Returned item in the Admin

    Returned item in the Admin

Available sources for return

By default, the product will be returned to the source from which the order item was delivered.

If you want to return it to a different source:

  1. Enable the Define manually which is the source accepting the return configuration field by navigating to Sales Channel > Postsales > Defining source for returns.

    SI portal configuration

    Define source for return

    These definitions are configured and enabled in your SI Portal, which is not yet accessible externally. Contact Magento Support for assistance.

  2. Once enabled, a Returned To column with a list of available sources appears.

    Returned to column

    Returned to column

For sources to receive returns, enable the Accepts returns option for the source in the Sources view of the OMS Admin.

Sources view in OMS Admin

Sources view in OMS Admin

The original source will only appear in the dropdown when the Accepts returns capability is enabled.

Returns approval

If the item in question did not reach the warehouse, the applicable return requires manual approval from a CSA with the appropriate permissions. When a line has been selected for return it will be available for approval in the Post-sales section with a Requested status.

Return approval

Return approval

Upon confirmation that the return can be approved, the CSA must go to the order Post-sales section and click Approve return. This automatically generates the refund request to the customer and the status will change to Approved.

Auto approve return

The auto release return functionality is enabled by default to allow for the OMS Admin to automatically approve a return when a return is created. You can disable this functionality to enforce manually approval of a return.

See Auto approval return topic for more information on the messages involved.

To disable this functionality:

  1. Navigate to the Auto Approve Return configuration field via Global settings > Postsales > Return flow in your SI Portal.

    SI portal configuration

    Auto release refund

    These definitions are configured and enabled in your SI Portal, which is not yet accessible externally. Contact Magento Support for assistance.

  2. Ensure you have the necessary permissions in the OMS Admin to make this configuration change.

  3. Click Approve return button to manually approve the return. If the configuration auto-release refund is enabled, this automatically generates the refund request to the customer and the status changes to APPROVED.

Auto release refund

The auto release refund functionality is enabled by default to allow returns to automatically trigger refunds for an order or order lines. You can disable this functionality to enforce manually release of a refund.

To disable this functionality:

  1. Navigate to the Auto Release Refund configuration field via Global settings > Postsales > Return flow in your SI Portal.

    SI portal configuration

    Auto release refund

    These definitions are configured and enabled in your SI Portal, which is not yet accessible externally. Contact Magento Support for assistance.

  2. Ensure you have the necessary permissions in the OMS Admin to make this configuration change.

    OMS Admin configuration

    Permissions refunds

  3. If this configuration is disabled, the refund remains in a REQUESTED status until the refund is approved, or canceled.

  4. When the return is approved, an Approve refund button appears in the OMS Admin order to enforce manually release the refund.

  5. The refund remains in a PENDING RELEASE status until the refund is confirmed by the payment gateway, then changes to a RELEASED status.

    If you click Cancel refund, the refund is set to a CANCELLED status.

New appeasement

Special refunds or appeasements can be created in the OMS Admin for the total or partial cost of an item. Refunds and appeasements are created at the order line level and over the net amount.

To create a new appeasement:

  1. Click an order in the Customer Service Orders view.
  2. Click Actions > New Appeasement.
  3. Select the item you want to refund.
  4. Select the refund reason.
  5. Leave a comment.
  6. Click Create Appeasement.
  7. Click OK in the confirmation dialog that appears.

Example of a created appeasement

Example of a created appeasement

Once a partial amount for a line is refunded, the next time a refund is created for the same line it you can only refund what is left after the first appeasement. This appears in the Refund Amount column.

Information about any special refunds or appeasements appear in the Post-sales section.

Completed appeasement

Completed appeasement

New exchange

Exchanges allow a user to make a clone of one or more order lines from an order, into a new order. This exchange order will be created, but no payment will be taken for it (the original items can be returned to the warehouse and such return will not generate a refund).

An exchange creates a new order with the new item to be exchanged for the one in the original order. Once the new order is created it will be identified by the suffix “E”

There are some constraints around which products can be used for an exchange;

  • Line items can only be exchanged for other products which are in the same style as the original product. They must be fellow child SKUs of the same parent SKU.
  • The exchange product must have inventory available in the relevant sales channel for which the order was originally placed.

To create a new exchange:

  1. Click an order in the Customer Service Orders view.
  2. Click Actions > New Exchange.
  3. Select the item you want to exchange.
  4. Select the new item in the Exchange for section.
  5. Click Create exchange.

    Example of a new exchange

    New Exchange

    Once the exchange is created a message will be shown in the original order communicating that a return is pending for that line/item.

See the Exchanges user guide topic for more information.

New reshipment

Reshipments allow a user to make a clone of an existing order for which no payment is used. Reshipments should be used when the ordered items are lost and the customer has not received them or are received damaged. Customer service will be able to request a new shipment of the item free of charge for the customer. Once the new order is created it will be identified by the suffix “R”.

To create a new reshipment:

  1. Click an order in the Customer Service Orders view.
  2. Click Actions > New Reshipment.
  3. Select the item you want to reship.
  4. Click Create reshipment.

    The CSA will have the ability to change the shipping method and address from the original order. The new address will not be validated.

    Example of a reshipment

    Reshipment link

You can always track the original order in the History and Comments section.

See order history in the History and Comments section of the Order details view

See order history in the History and Comments section of the Order details view

See the Reshipments user guide topic for more information.