Release notes for OMS hotfixes

These release notes document hotfixes of the Order Management System and are published on an as-needed basis.

Each section below represents a specific, versioned Order Management System (OMS) hotfix release, and the noted date reflects when the release notes were published.

Release notes include:

  • Improvements
  • Known issues


Release date—June 29, 2020 (EU region) and June 30 2020 (other regions)

  • Customer Service actions now available—We fixed the error, caused by JavaScript assets in the Customer Service view in the OMS Admin, that was preventing users from using actions (depending on their individual permissions). Now, actions in the Customer Service view, such as Cancel Order, New Return, and New Exchange, are available.


Release date—May 19, 2020 (EU region) and May 20, 2020 (other regions)

  • Updated source stock queries—Now we include the source safety stock in the results of the source stock queries.

  • Reduce size of database table—We instituted a performance improvement for the overall order flow. Now, inside the Sales detail view, the External tab will contain data with a 60-day retention policy.


Release date—April 21, 2020 (EU region) and April 22, 2020 (other regions)

  • Admin roles and permissions for viewing orders—An OMS Admin user with the access to specific or none sales channel role and access to all sources permission can now view a list of orders.


Release date—April 16, 2020 (EU region) and April 17, 2020 (other regions)

  • Auto-confirm SFS order packing with defined box dimensions—When box dimensions are defined for a Ship from Store (SFS) order, you can now automatically confirm packing.


Release date—March 3, 2020 (EU region) and March 5, 2020 (other regions)

  • Manual entry of carrier info during SFS packing—An error preventing you from manually entering carrier information during packing in the Ship from Store (SFS) process is resolved.

  • Rejection of messages containing duplicated lines—An error, which was preventing the rejection of messages containing duplicated lines, was resolved. See the fulfillment constraints for more information.


Release date—January 28, 2020 (EU region) and January 29, 2020 (other regions)

  • Improved Admin resources—We improved the capabilities for roles and permissions in the OMS Admin.


Release date—January 8, 2020 (EU region) and January 9, 2020 (other regions)

  • Fix orders search when filtering by source and sales channels—Fixed an issue with filtering by source and sales channel when searching for orders. All non-admin users who do not have access to all sales channels and sources are now able to filter by source.


Release date—October 30, 2019

  • Improved FULL mode stock snapshot—To determine if a batch in FULL mode is the most recent snapshot and if it should be processed, only the first message received by the OMS (not always the first process of the batch) will be checked. The created_on timestamp, as seen in the stock snapshot modes, must be different for every element of the batch.


Release date—September 10, 2019


Release date—September 7, 2019


Release date—August 30, 2019

  • Order item name shown in Pick decline views for Ship from Store—The Pick decline views for the Ship from Store processes now show the product name as noted in the order.


Release date—August 14, 2019

  • Order item name shown in Customer Service view/actions—The Customer Service view and actions now show the product name as noted in the order, instead of the catalog name, to eliminate confusion and maintain consistency in product info.


Release date—August 7, 2019

  • Order item name shown in Ship from Store and In-store Pickup views—The Ship from Store and In-store Pickup views now both show the product name as noted in the order, instead of the catalog name, to eliminate confusion and maintain consistency in product info.


Release date—August 5, 2019

  • lines_declined message no longer adjusts stock—The lines_declined message will not adjust the stock +1, but instead will ignore any stock adjustment in the inventory when this message is sent.


Release date—July 30, 2019

  • Order item name shown in Ship from Store view—The Ship from Store view now shows the product name as noted in the order, instead of the catalog name, to eliminate confusion and maintain consistency in product info.


Release date—July 29, 2019

  • Remove ability to duplicate pick lists—Now, you can only click Create custom pick list once, whereafter the button is disabled, to eliminate accidental creation of multiple pick lists and the ensuing error.


Release date—June 14, 2019


Release date—June 13, 2019

  • Print packing slip from OMS—You can now generate a packing slip label and print it directly from the Ship from Store page.


Release date—May 22, 2019

  • Use export mapping mode configuration for force-reindex messages—We implemented functionality to change the export mode based on the import to allow the export to use the mapping configuration when a force re-index command is sent from the OMS Admin.

  • source_stock_added messages processing time—In relation to the source engine scheduler, the source_stock_added message takes hours to be processed due to the saveFlag method that is used to save the ready_to_source flag for the order. We have disabled this configuration to ensure backorders stuck in the queue for more than 30 days are not resourced (because they are not flagged as “ready to source” if stock is added).


Release date—May 10, 2019

  • Issue when searching orders by custom attributes—When searching using the custom attribute dropdown with predefined options, results show all similar custom attributes. This hotfix allows to use ENUM custom attributes dropdown to list results with an exact match to the selected custom attribute. For free text search, shows all orders with similar results.