Integration layer limits

The Magento Order Management System (OMS) API has a few limitations:

  • Limitations on number of requests
  • Size of request
  • Set validation patterns

These limitations help set best practices so a System Integrator (SI) can integrate the OMS quickly, easily, and efficiently.


Existing constraints for input data in messages processed by the service bus are explained below.

Constraints are guidelines to be followed for the OMS API. Limits are current, existing set restrictions to the OMS API.

Parameter Constraints Limits
Integration name - Allowed characters: 0-9, a-z
- Minimum length: 1 symbol
- Maximum length: 80 symbols
- Allowed characters: 0-9, a-z
Integration URL - Length: 500 symbols
- Must start with http:// or https://
- Must be a valid URL (verified using probing)
- Must be a valid URL (verified using probing)
Integration secret - Maximum length: 100 symbols none
Integration labels - Maximum labels: 50
- Maximum label size: 50 symbols
- Maximum value: 250 symbols
Integration parallelism - Maximum: 20
- Minimum: 1
- Use 0 for default value
- Maximum: 20
- Minimum: 1
- Use 0 for default value
Number of subscriptions - Maximum number: 350 per service none
Number of contracts - Maximum number: 250 per service none
Subscription topic - Case insensitive
- Allowed characters: 0-9, a-z
- Minimum length: 1 symbol
- Maximum length: 100 symbols
Contract name - Case insensitive
- Allowed characters: 0-9, a-z
- Minimum length: 1 symbol
- Maximum length: 100 symbols
HTTP request body
(everything, incl. JSONRPC envelop, before compression)
- Maximum size: 2MB none
Number of integrations - Total number of integrations registered per client
- Maximum: 500

These constraints will produce failures on the first stages of processing.